Minutes of the Joint Meeting of The Texas Board of Aging and The Citizens Advisiory Council of The Texas Department of Aging

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Minutes of the Joint Meeting of The Texas Board of Aging and The Citizens Advisiory Council of The Texas Department of Aging


Minutes and proceedings


Minutes for the December 12, 1991 meeting of The Texas Board of Aging and The Citizens Advisory Council of The Texas Department of Aging


Texas. Department of Aging and Disability Services


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JAN O 8 1992
DECEMBER 12, 1991
The Board on Aging and the Citizens Advisory Council of the Texas Department on
Aging (TDoA) met for a regular quarterly joint meeting on December 12, 1991, at
8:00 a.m. The meeting was held at the Holiday Inn-Town Lake, Sunflower and
Marigold meeting rooms, 20 North Interregional & IH-35, Austin, Texas. The
following members were present:
Texas Board on Aging:
Dan Roberts, Chairman
Penny But 1 er
Nadine Francis
Kenneth Huff
Jan Patterson
Aliceanne Wallace
Polly Sowell, Executive Director, TDoA
Absent members:
Jose Camacho
Gary Cook
Citizens Advisory Council:
Harriet Griffin, Chairperson Virginia Black
Gary Butts
A .P. Foley Jinmie Griffith
Elenor Holmes
Marvin Kilian
Gladys Neu
Henry Rieff
Bi 11 Southard
Paul T. Ulrich
Absent Members:
Bettye Hutchins
Inez Jeffery
Beverly Kelley
Scotty Sherrill
Leslie Thorn
Ernest Vass
A. Call to Order of the Texas Board~ Aging
Johnnie Lou Avery
Mary Etta Bryan Mary Bynum Iola Griffin
Delphia Griggs
Rose Howell
Charles Morris
Edwina Oliver
Virginia Sletner
Bruno Trevino
Agnes Fritter Vondy
Dan Roberts, Chairman, Texas Board on Aging, called the meeting to order
at 8:05 a.m. Bruno Trevino then gave the invocation and Elenor Holmes led
the Pledge of Allegiance.
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8. Approval of the Minutes of the October lQ.i_ 1991 Board~ Aging Meeting
Mrs. Wallace moved that the October 30, 1991 minutes be approved. Mr. Huff seconded.
Mr. Roberts asked that the absences of the fo11owing Board Members be
Jose Camacho
Gary Cook
Margaret Luckie
Ms. Francis moved that the members named above be· excused. Mrs. Butler
C. Ca11 to Order of the Citizens Advisory Council (CAC)
Harri et Griffin, Chairperson, CAC, announced that the CAC to the State
Board on Aging was in order and that there was a quorum present.
D. Approval of the Minutes of the September 12, 1991 CAC Meeting
Ms. Griffin declared that the September 12, 1991 minutes were approved as
corrected and would be filed for audit.
Ms. Griffin asked that the absences of Inez Jeffery, Scotty Sherri11,
Ernest Vass, Beverly Kelley, Bettye Hutchins, and Leslie Thorn be excused
from the December 12, 1991 meeting. Hearing no objections, the absences
were declared excused.
Gary Butts, new CAC member, was recognized and introduced himself.
E. Receive Public Testimony
Al J. Notzon, III, Chairman of the Texas Association of Regional Councils'
(TARC) Aging Services Conmittee, briefed the Board on the TARC COrllllittee
meeting, which consisted of representatives, elected officials, and
members of the Texas Association of Area Agencies on Aging (T4A). The
following issues were discussed:
V i s i b il i t y - t o s e t up a s p e c i f i c co mm it tee on th e i s s u e of
visibility and to ask the AAAs to look at the issue and develop recorllllendations on how it could be improved;
Liability - to ask our state as soc i at ion staff to work .with T 4A to
address the issues that occurred in the statewide contract with Aetnd
and to investigate whether bidding on a statewide basis would lower
the rates; and
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* Strategic planning and reorganization - to take a more active role
and realize that it is a time for the network to pull together and
move forward.
Mr. Notzon expressed the committee's support on the consolidation of
corrmittees and stated they were eager to assist in any way.
Mr. Huff requested that Mr. Notzon keep him informed on the progress made
in the area of visibility.
Ida Kenney of the Texas Senior Citizens Association spoke on the issue of
advocacy. She said they were very disturbed to find out that there was a
law exempting board ment>ers, that were volunteers, from liability and did
not cover the employees of the agencies that subcontracted unless they carried a million dollar insurance premium.
Mrs. Kenney presented the Board with a copy of the Senior Texas Legal Guide, developed by Paul Premack, a merrber of the National Academy of
Elder Law Attorneys. She explained that the publication addresses
everything from living wills to the problems that the elderly face in
Texas and suggested that any agency subcontracting with TDoA pick up a
Mr. Huff requested that Mrs. Kenney send him a copy of the information she
F. Board and CAC Committee Reports
CAC Committee Reports:
None heard.
Board Committee Reports:
The Business Advisory Committee, Jan Patterson, Chair, met at TDoA on
December 5, 1991. Mrs. Patterson briefly discussed the information
covered at the meeting and a few issues that would be discussed at
the next meeting. She stated that the minutes to the December 5,
1991 meeting had not been completed.
Mrs. Patterson stated that the comnittee is working on a logo that
would connect the Business Advisory Committee t~ the TDoA. She added
that any creative ideas are welcomed.
The next meeting of the Business Advisory Committee is scheduled to
be held in Austin on January 23, 1992.
A meeting of the Networking/Advocacy/Legislation Corrmittee, Kenneth
Huff, Chair, is scheduled to be held in Austin on January 21, 1992.
The Minority Elderly Task Force Convnittee, Nadine Francis, Chair, is
scheduled to meet in Austin on January 13, 1992, at 9:30 a.m.
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Mrs. Francis stated that the Minority Elderly Task Force Committee
would be serving as the steering conmittee for the Minority Elderly State Conference, chaired by Norman Moorehead, to be held in Dallas.
Mr. Roberts expressed the need for all persons interested in the
field of aging to attend the Minority Elderly State Conference.
The Health Conmittee, Mr. Huff, Chair, met at TDoA on October 30,
1991. He stated that minutes to that meeting were distributed to the
The next meeting of the Health Cornnittee is scheduled to be held in
Austin on January 21, 1992.
Mr. Trevino, CAC member, encouraged the members of the CAC comnittees to
get involved and become active.
Mr. Roberts informed the merrbers of the CAC that their attendance was
welcomed at any and all Board committee meetings. He stated that a
calendar of the scheduled Board Committee meetings would be made available
to them.
G. Executive Director's Report
Polly Sowell, TDoA's Executive Director, reported that Congress had not
reauthorized the Older Americans Act (OAA) yet. Ms. Sowell stated that
they did pass an appropriations bill, but there had been no official word
on their actions.
Ms. Sowell stated that unofficially, it was heard that Congress voted for
a $38 million dollar increase in the OAA nationwide. She added that $17
million of that would be for a new program, Title IIIF, which is for
preventive health services.
Ms. Sowell stated that also pending is the increase of USDA money which is
currently at$ .56 cents per meal and may be increased to$ .61 cents per
mea 1.
Mr. Roberts stated that he would be sending a letter to both U.S. Senators
appealing to them to move forward on the approval and reauthorization of
the OAA and encouraged others to do the same.
Ms. Sowe 11 al so reported on House Bi 11 7 and the efforts being made on
restructuring. She stated that the heads of all the health and human
service agencies had been meeting regularly since last April to develop a
consolidated Strategic Plan. Ms. Sowell added that as a result, the goals from that interagency effort ended up in House Bill 7.
Ms. Sowell discussed the task groups working at this time, they are as
fol lows:
lD:bdcac.1212/wp 5
Regional Bounddries
Co-location of Offices
Strategic Planning Consolidated Budget Cost Allocation ~ Client Access
Liaison with the Division of Information Resources
She added that a TDoA staff member is assigned to each corTmittee.
Ms. Sowell stated that until the new "Czar" of Health and Human Servkes
is appointed, Kathleen Hamilton would be filling that position. Ms.
Sowell stated that Ms. Hamilton considers the following to be her job description:
To work with the staff of the executive and legislative leadership offices;
To interpret legislative intent and to inform the Department of the
direction that the leadership chooses to take;
To represent the health and human service agencies to the executive
leadership; and
To set up the infrastructure for the new Health and Human Services
H. Status Report on the Texas Association of Area Agencies ~ Aging (T4A) Retreat - --
Claude Andrews, Director of the East Texas AAA and President of the Texas
Association of Area Agencies on Aging (T4A), reported on the retreat held
in Dallas, October 27th thru 29th which was attended by approximately 15
AAA Directors. Mr. Andrews said that the association is in the process of
completing the second draft of the preamble to this report and it would be
available to the Board within the next two months.
Mr. Andrews announced the newly elected officers of T4A; they are as
Pat Cheong, Chairperson
Holly Anderson, Vice-chairperson
Janis Gray, Secretary
Mike McQueen, Treasurer
Monitoring Area Agency Performance (MAAP) Annual Report
Ann Ammons, TDoA's Director of Program Operations, briefly discussed the
Monitoring of Area Agency Performance Annual Report (MAAP) process and
stated that this was an information item only. She stated that the
1O:bdcac.1212/wp 6
monitoring process was changed both in process, staffing and intent. The
original working papers that TDoA used in this process were di~tributed to
the Board and CAC members for their reference.
She stated that TDoA has focused the new monitoring process on
documentation of accomplished work instead of the old way of interviewing with some review of files. She explained that this change was because the
department and the AAAs are receiving more challenges for documentation of
the work from funding sources and outside groups.
Ms. Arnnons stated that the change in staffing was an effort to have a
comprehensive review of each agency. This resulted in the combining of
the fiscal and program staff to form a team approach. She stated that the
intent was to look at the management of the AAAs and the methods used to
document the requirements of the Older Americans Act, state standards and
initiatives, with limited review of direct and contracted services.
Ms. Arnnons explained that the process was evaluated internally and asked
that the Board and CAC review the MAAP reports and follow-up files for
their evaluation and input.
The following items were distributed during this agenda item:
A report that showed the status of the AAAs
Results of a survey sent to the AAAs asking for their input
J. Advocacy, Involvement..!!!, Issues/Policies, and Liability of Board Members
Omar Guerrero, TDoA's Attorney, presented a report regarding the following topics:
Involvement in issues/policies
Liability of Board members
K. Program Reports
Renewal of Options for Independent Living Program Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with the Texas Department of Human Services (TDHS) regarding non-duplication of services
L i n d a Heat h , TD o A 's D i rec tor of Po 1 i c y & Pr og ram D e v e 1 op men t ,
reported on the renewal of the Options for. Independent Living (OIL) Program MOA with the TDHS. She r·ev iewed the memorandum est ab 1 i shed
in FY 1990 - 1991.
Ms. Heath explained that the MOA had been amended to reflect the
revised Options project service areas which resulted from the
competitive bidding process completed in September 1991. She added
that, otherwise, the provisions of the proposed FY 1992 - 1993
agreement are identical to those of the previous year.
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Ms. Heath stated that the action requested of the Board was to
approve TDoA's Executive Director to sign the Memorandum of Agreement with TDHS for FY 1992 - 1993.
Jan Patterson moved to approve the signing of the Memorandum of
Agreement with the TDHS for FY 1992 - 1993 for the Options Program. Mrs. Wallace seconded.
Approval of MOU with TDHS & TOH & Texas MH/MR regarding the Texas
Long-Term Care State Plan for the Elderly
Linda Heath reported on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
TDHS, TOH, and Texas MH/MR regarding the Texas Long-Term Care State
Plan for the Elderly. Ms. Heath reviewed the MOU and stated that it
was a result of SB 377.
Ms. Heath stated that the action requested of the Board was to give the Executive Director the authority to sign the MOU on behalf of the
TOoA, to be effective January 1, 1992.
Mrs. Wal lace moved that the Board authorize the Executive Director
approval to sign the proposed MOU on behalf of the TDoA. Mr. Huff
Prioritization of Strategic Plan strategies and tactics
Linda Heath reported on the prioritization of the Strategic Plan
strategies and tactics. She stated that TDoA was requesting that no
prioritization be done at the December 12th meeting.
Ms. Heath gave background information regarding the Strategic Plan.
She said that prioritization packets would be sent to the Board, CAC,
and AAA Directors for input.
The following correction was made and added to the memorandum
attached to the first draft of the Strategic Plan:
10) Interested citizen input
Ms. Heath reviewed the six goals of the Strategic Plan and noted the
strategies and tactics that were added by iDoA as a result of input received. They were as follows:
Goal #1
Maximize federa 1 funds through the efficient use of
available state and local resources.
Strategy 1, Tactics 1 & 2 added
Strategy 2, Tactics 1 - 3 added
Goal #2
Goal #3 ..
Goal #4 ..
Goal #5 ..
Goa 1 #6
To provide a system that delivers prompt, comprehensive, effective services to the people of
Strategy 1' Tactics 10 .. 17 were added
Strategy 2, Tactic 7 was added
Strategy 3, Tactic 9 was added
To promote the health of the people of Texas.
Strategy 2, Tactic 3 was added
To foster the development of responsible, productive, and self-sufficient citizens.
Strategy 1, Tactics 14 & 15 added
Strategy 3, Tactics 5 & 6 added
Strategy 4, Tactics 6 & 7 added
Strategy 5, Tactic 8 added
To provide needed resources and services to Texans
when they cannot provide or care for themselves.
Strategy 2, Tactic 5 added
To protect the physical and emot i ona 1 safety of all
Strategy 1, Tactic 8 deleted from page 16
Strategy 3, Tactic 3 added
Strategy 4, Tactic 3 added
Strategy 7, Tactic 8 added
Mr. Roberts stated that the Plan is a very important planning document for TDoA and the input of the CAC is welcomed by the Board
either through writ ten suggestions or by at tending the next Boa rd
meeting in January.
End of Year (1991) Performance Report
Linda Heath discussed the End of Year (1991) Legislative Budget Board
(LBS) performance report which was mailed to all the Bo~rd and CAC
members. Ms. Heath stated she would not be reviewing the document,
but entertained specific questions regarding the report. There were
no quest ions.
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Ms. Heath said that when the projection report to the LBB is 10%
higher or lower than the actual service provided, TDoA is: required to
explain the reasons for that difference. She added that the LBB
would now be requiring this information on a quarterly basis instead
of twice a year.
Fin al adoption of the amended ru 1 es ( 40 TAC 292) governing the
Options for Independent Living Program
Linda Heath discussed the Options for Independent Living program changes that were proposed as a result of the passage of S.B. 1249
during the 72nd Legislature. Ms. Heath stated that the rule changes
were published in the Texas Register for a 30 day comment period and
no comnents were received.
Ms. Heath stated the action requested of the Board was approval of
publishing the proposed rule changes as final adopted rules.
Mrs. Patterson moved that the Board approve the proposed revisions
for publication in the Texas Register and adoption as final rules.
Mrs. Wallace seconded.
Approval of Harris County and North Central Texas AAA's FY '92 Area
Plan Amendments that previously had conditional approval
Ann AITIT\Ons, TDoA's Director of Program Operations, reported on the
approval of the FY '92 Area Plan Amendment for the North Central
Texas AAA. She said that the AAA had met all the requirements to
remove the conditions from their Area Plan and requested the Board's
Mrs. Patterson moved to approve the 1992 Area Plan Amendment for the
North Central Texas AAA. Mrs. Wallace seconded.
Approv a 1 of Senior Texans Emp 1 oyment Program (STEP) RF P for
publication in the Texas Register
Ann Armlons discussed the Senior Texans Employment Program (STEP)
request for proposal (RFP). Ms. Anrnons stated that TDoA was advised
that funds that come through the department and are not distributed
through a formula, sho,uld be distributed through an RFP.
Ms. Amnons stated that the action requested of the Board was their
approval to publish the STEP RFP in the Texas Register.
Mrs. Wallace moved that the Board approve the publication of the STEP
RFP in the Texas Register. Mrs. Butler seconded.
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L. Approval of TDoA's 1992 Calendar
Mr. Roberts stated that the calendar of Board meetings for the entire year
was prepared to assist the Board in planning and that it indicates the
concept of meeting on a monthly basis. Mr. Roberts added that the Board
would do its' best to send information in advance to the CAC so that their
comments and advice could be considered.
The following changes and additions were made to the 1992 calendar:
January Board meeting was rescheduled for January 16, 1992.
The Business Advisory Council will meet on January 23, 1992, at
The Planning Comnittee wil 1 meet on January 21, 1992, at 12:00
Mr. Huff moved that the 1992 calendar be approved as amended. Mrs.
Patterson seconded.
There was some discussion by the CAC members regarding the extra lodging day for those members who were interested in staying over for the Board
meeting the cay after the CAC meeting.
Harriet Griffin, CAC Chairperson, asked the members to consider meeting at
a later time on the day before the Board meeting so that only one night of
lodging would be necessary for those interested in attending the Board
meeting on the following day.
Mr. Trevino moved that the CAC meet at 12:30 p.m. on the day before the
scheduled Board meetings. Virginia Black seconded •
M. Selection of Internal Auditor
. NAYS 1
Penny Butler, Board member, discussed the selection of an Internal Auditor
for the TDoA, by the Audit Comnittee.
She moved that the Board adopt the Audit Committee's report and contract
with Russell Gregorczyk as TDoA's Internal Auditor.
Mr. Roberts noted that as a comnittee report no second was required.
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N. Board's Approval of Combining Board Committees
'"-' The action requested of the Board was to consider combining the following coomittees for efficiency:
1. Task Force on Area Agency on Aging Staffing Requirements and Direct
and Indirect Costs, with the Financial Long Range Planning Corrrnittee,
and call it Funding Formulas and AAA Operations Corm,ittee.
Mr. Camacho would remain the Chair and the members of both conmittees
would comprise the membership of the newly combined corrmittee.
2 • Lo n g Ran g e P 1 an n i n g f o r P r og rams Co mm it t e e w i t h t h e St at e P 1 an
Corrmittee, and call it Planning Committee
Mr s • W a11 ace w o u 1 d rem a i n t he C h a i r a n d t h e m em b e rs of bot h
committees would comprise the membership of the newly combined
corrmitt ee.
Mrs. Wallace moved that the committees be combined as outlined. Mrs.
Patterson seconded.
Mrs. Patterson made an amendment to the motion to 1 i st Pat Luby under
other members in the Business Advisory Corrmittee membership.
0. General Announcements
None Heard.
P. Executive Session to Interview Executive Director Applicants and Consider
Appointing !!!_ Execut"ive Director of TDoA -
A motion was made and seconded for the CAC to adjourn at 1:45 p.m.
Mr. Roberts· stated that the Texas Board on Aging would recess to go into
an executive session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Article
6252-17 Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes Annotated, Section 2(6), to
interview applicants for the Executive Director's position and to consider
appointing an Executive Director of TDoA.
The following applicants were interviewed:
Mary Sapp
Mike McQueen
After returning from executive session, the Board unanimously voted to
appoint Mary Sapp for the position of Executive Director for TDoA.
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Mr. Roberts cong ratu 1 ated Ms. Sapp and thanked Mr. Mc Queen for his
Mr. Roberts announced that the Board would ask Ms. Sapp to begin her
duties· on January 1, 1992 and also request that Ms. Sowell continue for a
thirty day period beginning January 1, 1992, to work with and provide information to Ms. Sapp.
Ms. Patterson moved that the above statement be approved. Mr. Huff
Mr. Roberts stated that the Boards' selection of Mary Sapp would be
submitted to the Governor for approval.
Mr. Roberts expressed his appreciation to Ms. Sowell for her support and
the fine job she did •
.9.:_ Adjourn
There being no further business of the Board, the meeting was adjourned at
3:30 p.m.
Texas Department on Aging
lD:bdcac.1212/wp 13
Respectfully Submitted,
Monica R. Skolnik
Clerical Assistant
Dan Roberts,
Texas Board on Aging

Original Format

8.5 in x 11 in.




Texas. Department of Aging and Disability Services, “Minutes of the Joint Meeting of The Texas Board of Aging and The Citizens Advisiory Council of The Texas Department of Aging,” Colin Morgan's Digitization Portfolio, accessed May 14, 2024, https://cpmorgan.omeka.net/items/show/57.